Average speed: 11.45mph
Max. Speed: 36mph
Time in saddle: 6hr 17min
Total distance: 351 miles
Soreness rating of nether region: 5 out of 10 ( some maintainance will be required shortly!)
Flippers and goggles day.
The day started well, beautiful sunshine and plenty of farmyard smells. Speaking of which, I did ask my fellow cyclists how many days you can wear a cycling top before it needs washing. I seemed to have somewhat exceeded their limits by a few days! Could be on my own tomorrow.
lost once more and decided not to follow the cyclist with satnav attached.
All going well, even managing to stop off at a pub for some lunch and a pint (i'm finding the sports drinks too sugary).
We knew there was something wrong as we couldn't see the hills, then we saw a bit of water and then a wee bit more. Suddenly, turned the corner and a great lake presented itself.
What do we do, no way round. Decided to watch the 4x4 farmers truck go through it first. Yes, deep it bloody was!
I went first and peddalled through, half my wheel missing underwater.
From then onwards, it seemed we were cycling in a river lined with recent hailstone deposits. Temperature had dropped and we all had seriously wet feet.
I quite liked it actually, reminded me of sailing with wet boots on. Never got another word from Dave (person i'm doing it with), until he announced "didn't sign up fo this".
Oh well.
Only 5 miles from the end and into the pub for a few beers and watch the football.
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