Sunday, 14 June 2009

Saturday, day 8, Clitheroe to Kirby Stephen

Distance: 57 miles
Average speed: 11.08mph
Max. Speed: 37.29mph
Time in saddle: 5hr 9min
Total distance: 549 miles
Soreness rating of nether region: 6 out of 10 ( medical attentio needed. good woman required for massage. Offers welcome!)

Today was absolutely fantastic in every way. Weather was superb and the views outstanding. Never been north of Manchester, other than a day trip to the Lake District over 20 years ago.
Above are few pictures of the route we took, including one of Dent which is the quaintest villiage you will ever visit.
Rolling hills was the order of the day. I reached a new maximum speed of 37.29mph, Dave was overwhelmed by his new max of 42mph, only to be beaten by someone else in the group hitting just over 50mph. There is a claim that the reading was unfair as there was an abundance of potential energy that could be converted to kinetic energy!
Although we did only 55 miles, the hills were plentifull, with the one out of Dent being a true monster. Made all the hills so far, so this was going to be no different. Head down and go and hope no to blow a gasket. Got to the top after about a mile, i think the gradient is about 17%.
Rode into the campsite where we have tea and cakes around 5pm an onto our b&b. Staying at The Manor House, which is a beautiful old building with great proportions.
Greatest sight of the day was seeing a old boy managing to tow a wheelbarrow behind his bike. Pleaae god, don't let him overtake me on route.

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