Average speed: 12.37mph
Max. Speed: 37.29mph
Time in saddle: 6hr 49min
Total distance: 795 miles
Soreness rating of nether region: 1 out of 10 ( tough as old boots now )
The longest day so far for two reasons.
Off at around 9.30am and first job was to make it through Glasgow. The cycle route through the city pretty much followed the banks of the Clyde. In areas you can where money has regenerated the area, mainly in the city centre. However, some areas did not look good at all. Cycle path had plenty of glass scattered around.
Progress was slow and steady and not a tractor to spot. Eventually picked up the cycle track out of town
Got go the lunch spot around 1.30 and stayed a little too long. Left around 3.30 with still another 40 plus miles to go!
Once we got to Loch Lomond the views across the Loch's we cycled round were absolutely fantastic.
It seemed you could ride for an hour and still be alongside the same Loch. Simply stunning and great for sailing, my true hobby.
Got into Invarary about 7pm, with near on a seven hour total bike ride, an extended lunch break and 80+ miles done made today a hard but enjoyable one.
In the evening, sailing mate Paul Hignett who I've known for far too many years (near on 20 !) came to Invarary to see me. Really appreciate it. First time I've seen him drink coke, with no rum in it!
Kness hurt a little, but just another 4 days to go.
Finally, found the worst caravan with the best views ever, one for my brother. Oh yea, we're an exciting family!
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