Average speed: 14.41mph
Max. Speed: 35.16mph
Time in saddle: 4hr 29min
Total distance: 1103 miles
Soreness rating of nether region: 0 out of 10 (sorted ! )
Final day and we immediately find the best bit of Bettyhill, that would be the road out! Not great place to stay.
Weather was gorgeous, no rain today, a first for us in Scotland. Along the coast road east aiming for John O'Groats, our final destination.
Past the Dounreay power station which is currently being decomissioned , the land will be ready for reuse in 2294, so I won't be buying land there.
Fifteen miles from John O'Groats and we make detour to Dunnet Head, which is the most northerly point on mainland Scotland. Just lighthouse at the point. Picture above. Once we ticked that off our list onto John O'Groats. Get there without trouble, hotel is all sectioned off an closed down some years ago. So, other than the car park and sign, not a lot else. It makes Lands End look like Las Vegas. Apparently their is start/finish line at the hotel, but we didn't see it.
Get the pictures taken to prove we did make it and off for glass of champagne to start the celebration.
Then on to Duncansby Head the most north easterly point past John O'Groats which nobody has heard of.
Just lighthouse there, but worth going to see, thd cliff face has Puffins an many other birds nesting there.
Back to John O'Groats and pack the bikes up.
Job done, I will post some thought and more pictures in the next couple of days.
Many thanks to everyone for their support and pledges. I will do an update on sposorship in the next few days also.
Currently at Inverness airport waiting for flight home.
Russell, well done for completing your ride from as all at PG Southampton!
Many thanks. Back at work today!
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